Dilbert's Story

Dilbert's Story

Stephanie and her family moved to Aurora Colorado at the Ronald McDonald house to await their second childs arrival. Dilbert was born at Children's Hospital Colorado with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Dilbert lived at the hospital for 6 months undergoing 5 open heart surgeries but never being a candidate for his second staged surgery. He was so full of lift and boy did that little boys face just melt your heart.

Dilbert Passed away within 6 months of life but continues to live through his family, nurses, doctors, friends and so many others hearts that he touched.

baby dilbert looking over mothers shoulder before open heart surgery
parents looking at their baby before open heart surgery
baby looking at all his nurses names in book
family photo before baby has open heart surgery
baby with all his beads of courage around him

A NOTE from the Photographer

I met the Collins family while I was impatient with my son. The love surrounding this family was so magnetic and although you could see the exhaustion as they walked through the hall with their heart healthy toddler. They were always beside with their CHD infant son. I really couldn't help but feel a connection with them and after I heard their story I had to help them in some way, You see.... Many CHD families like the collins never see their child outside those hospital walls, Never get the FIRSTS that many take for granted. One being, having photos taken of their child, to have just one good photo of their child on the wall. I see this far to often and it's absolutely heartbreaking. So as I began re-building my business, having a program gifting these families was a must. The Need for this is so great and frankly gives these families one of those FIRSTS that they may not get a chance later to have.

I am so honored to have met the Collins Family. Having Stephanie post the photos that I took engraved on her beautiful babies grave stone sent me into tears more than once and I am so blessed to have been just a small part of his life. Dilbert will forever be in my heart and his precious face engraved on my soul.


grave stone with photos on it of little boy who passed away from congenital heart disease
older brother kissing grave sight